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My interview with Erin from Lake Clarity

I decided to change things up this Audio Drama Sunday and thus decided to interview an AD character.

Here's the link to the audio version of the interview: Minisode - Erin's Interview

And here's the transcript of the interview,

Erin's Room



Alright Seth has been pestering me for like two whole weeks now, I'm finally gonna answer the questions he sent me. Uhm, alright, lemme dig up the email...



Alright, these questions were submitted by PodTeen. You can find her on Twitter or Tumblr.

Alright, one: If I was forced to choose between Mike, Seth and Brandon. Who would you pick as your friend and why?

Easy, none of them. They're all jerks. But, if I had to, Brandon.


Two: When was the first time you met your group of friends and who did you meet first?

So, I met Mike freshman year of high school, we had freshman orientation together, which is this dumb thing where you choose to go to school a week before classes begin, and you do a lot of fake classwork that doesn't even get graded. So, Mike and I had fake math together, and he had brought like three Monster energy drinks, because, I dunno, he's a dumb teen?

Anyway, he offered one to me, so I said sure. It was one of those Monster that has a screw on lid, so I had some during class then I tossed it into my bag with my iPod, phone, and camera

Well, turns out Monsters are terrible and don't know how to properly seal, so it spilled all over everything. I gave him a cold shoulder the entire next day. He felt pretty bad. So, I consider that a win.



Three: What was your first impression when you met Ally?

Well, I always thought she was pretty cool! I'd been hanging out with Mike and Brandon for like a month, so I was kinda relieved when another girl came into the mix. Gonna be honest though, had a bit of a crush on her at first. But that dissipated over time. But that was back in Freshman year.


Four: Who do I feel closest to in my friend group? Probably Ally or Seth. They really accept me for who I am, I'v definitely shared the most secrets with those two!



Five: How do I get ready in the morning? What do I listen to while getting ready?

Well, usually I'm up two hours before school begins, in the mornings I usually listen to Stromae, Milky Chance, or, sometimes, Alt- J...


Six: Do I listen to podcasts?

If so what kind of podcasts do I listen to? Ehm, not really. I'm not too into audio books or whatever- but, Seth did get me hooked on this podcast called arsParadoxica. It's pretty cool, it has time travel and stuff.


Seven: What do I plan to do in the future? Well, I just got accepted to MIT, so I'll be going there in the fall! I'm majoring in engineering. And, I dunno, I might take some pottery classes too, cause those are fun.


Eight: If you could only pick one thing to do in your pastime, what would it be and why? Netflix.

So much Netflix. And kitties, cuddling my kitties. Oso is kinda a jerk, but Eclair and Mia always cuddle me!


Nine: What do you like to do in your free time?

Well, when I'm not Netflix and cuddling with Eclair, usually we go to Seth's place and watch Netflix there, or, if it's nice out, we try to go hiking, or hang out in the park. Usually we just go to Denver Diner and chill there until they stop refilling our coffee.


Ten: Am I a cat person or a dog person?

Cat. Cats all the way. (Baby voice) Isn't that right, Eclair?



Alright, I think that's all Seth wanted from me, so uh, bye I guess? Why do I do this stuff for you? Oh, and in bold at the bottom of this email you told me to read: follow us on Facebook, twitter, tumblr, or instagram. Seth, I've never seen you use instagram! You hate instagram! Anyways, hope you enjoyed, bye!

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